Reflection on Team Building Pilot Using Minecraft

Reflection on Team Building Pilot Using Minecraft

My company recently did a team building pilot and I would like to share the outcome from it. We used a digital game called Minecraft to engage participants. Mojang is the company that created Minecraft back in 2009, and a few years later they were acquired by Microsoft. Minecraft is a fun game where players use digital blocks to build vast digital worlds. The controls are intuitive and easy to learn.

The team building pilot focused on city building. The overall goal of the activity was for the clients to grow as a team and learn more about each other. They also wanted a fun and interactive activity. We had a mix of brief presentations, group discussion, and playing Minecraft.

Here is a screenshot of where the city was built before the activity.

Minecraft Pilot Before Picture

Here is a screenshot of what the city looked like by the end of the activity.

Minecraft Pilot After Picture

Participants had fun learning about cities, strategic planning, and worked as a team to build a city together. They started the activity by building their house and business. Later, the participants designed a city marketplace, road system, and city park. Everyone learned a broad range of skills including analytical thinking, communication, creativity, and teamwork. This was all built in a short amount of time and participants wanted to continue working on their city beyond the pilot activity.

There are several lessons I took away from running the team building pilot. The first lesson I learned is Minecraft can be used for team building activities. It has a fun and relaxing environment that makes it easy to channel creative energy. The second lesson I learned is everyone has the potential to achieve success. Participants built up each other throughout the activity, learned more about each other, and had fun. The third lesson I took away from this activity is the importance of reflection. After participants finished building the city, we took some time to discuss what went well and what everyone learned from it. This gave everyone the opportunity to reflect on what they learned and how they can apply it in the workplace.

My company had a great time running the team building pilot using Minecraft. The clients wanted to grow as a team, learn more about each other, and have fun. Participants learned about cities, created their own city in Minecraft, and reflected on the experience. They learned a ton of valuable workplace skills and wanted to continue the activity beyond our brief time together. The most important lesson I took away from this activity is everyone has the potential to achieve success.